Reduce, reuse, recycle...

Since living in London, I've become a lot more aware of environmental issues and the impact our lives have on it. I like to think that I wasn't completely ignorant beforehand, but perhaps it's just been brought home a lot more by living directly in the Heathrow flight path! This week has been a bad one for plane noise (runway alternation means it's sometimes relatively quiet) - the only good thing to come out of that was that it reminded me to investigate carbon offsetting. I've just done that, and used the ClimateCare website to offset all the flights I've taken since December 2006.

Other things I'm trying to incorporate into daily life: recycle as much as possible, compost kitchen waste, use public transport or my own two feet (easy when you don't have a car!), low energy light bulbs where possible, eating local produce... Hopefully this list will increase over time!

If you haven't seen An Inconvenient Truth yet - see it.

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