Location, location, location

My suitcase broke on my trip to South Africa earlier this year. This was not entirely unexpected, as it was over ten years old and had done more than it's fair share of international travelling... however, it's replacement caused some headaches when I got home - it didn't fit in the same spot as it's predecessor!

So, I looked for a long term solution to the problem... and bought a house with a shed. Ok, it wasn't quite as impromptu a purchase as it may seem - I was slowly becoming tired of paying off other people's properties with my rent, never mind not being able to do things like paint the walls purple. Over the past few months, I'd been keeping my eye on what was available, viewing a few places but with no major hurry to make the scary leap to homeowner. The suitcase saga wasn't quite the final straw, but the timing was good as I saw a property that I liked shortly after returning to the UK with a bigger suitcase!

The next couple of weeks were taken up with paperwork and chasing solicitors - the UK house buying process is very bizarre, and stressful as having your offer accepted does not necessarily mean that you'll end up with the house! Fortunately, I was in a good position as a first time buyer, and after nurturing some patience became the owner on my mom's birthday in July!

There's been a bit of work to do on the property - painting some walls (not purple!), replacing carpets, cleaning - fortunately some willing friends were able to help me out over some weekends. I'd hoped to move in today, as I liked the date - 20.08.2008 - but that was prior to a change in medication and yet another iritis flare, so hasn't happened. It's only a matter of days away now though - the move is booked for next Tuesday. There is lots to be done - on both sides - wish me luck!