I've been reflecting on this journey quite a lot over the past few weeks; as I remembered buying hiking boots a week before setting off, somewhat panicked thoughts as I arrived in Spain on my one-way flight and saw the mountains in the distance, and the discomfort of the first few days. It's interesting rereading my diary a year later - it really did take a couple of days for me to settle in, and find my own approach to the Camino.
A few people along the way asked me why I was there. I didn't know then, and I'm still not sure I know even now, a year later. What is clear though, is that I learnt some valuable lessons which have stood me in good stead over the past few months on immunosuppression treatment: rest frequently, and listen to my body (extract from day 1 in the diary!).
My hope is that I will have the opportunity to experience this amazing journey once again. For now, for those currently en route or even just thinking of going: Buen Camino.